All you need to know about KS

What is it? How does it work? Can you turn blue? Will the bacteria become resistant? Information from authorities and media – pure ignorance or disinformation? Here you can learn everything you need to make an informed decision! What is colloidal silver?...

Researchers misinterpret own studies

Read our analysis of the amazingly bad research on Silver that the researchers in Lund achieved. Research goes far beyond previous research and experience on living creatures. Now, Lunda researchers want their poorly designed test tube study to be taken seriously. We...

What is the case with EMU oil especially?

Emuolja is an animal oil derived from emun – an Australian relative to the African ostrich. It is in wild state only in Australia, but is now born around the world for the sake of the red, cholesterol-laden meat and the bright, beautiful skin. For thousands of...

EU about Colloidal Silver

The EU cites the zero effect dose (NOAEL) for silver anion particles from the liver poisoning point of view “Recently, for Ag-NP (silver anion particles) a NOAEL (for rats) was observed, based on a 90 day oral exposure of 30 mg / kg body weight / day; Deze...